I can't and won't say all the claims they make on the above website are true, because I haven't researched every single one. However, I can tell you what I know to be true for me. Some claims seem a little far-fetched to me, but, for the most part, coconut oil is considered to be one of the best and healthiest fats we can eat.
Since I've made a habit of adding coconut oil to my diet, whether by cooking with it, applying it topically or straight up eating it (yeah, I know, I thought it was gross too) I've noticed a lot of improvements in my overall health. I eat 1 tbs of coconut oil and wash it down with my morning coffee. It took some getting use to, but now I don't even think about it. I take another tablespoon with my evening coffee, but many people chose 3 or 4 tablespoons a day.
Here are some of my expereinces:
Skin -- my rosacea cleared up (full disclosure--that picture isn't me). Now, I can't claim that's strictly from the coconut oil, nor does any
website. All I can say for sure is, since I added it to my diet, my condition is all but gone. Also, I've read in many places that CO is good for dry skin. I've had a patch of dry skin on my wrist for years. I've applied CO to it, but to be honest, it didn't really see much of a difference. It does work as a nice moisturizer on my face though. Use very sparingly as it can get oily if you use too much.

between my palms and applied it very lightly to my dry hair and it feels awesome. I haven't tried any hair products with CO yet, but I plan to. Have dry scalp? Massage a small amount of CO onto your scalp about a half hour before showering until it clears up.
Weight loss -- I can't say if this has helped me lose more weight or not, but I can say it helps bring my daily intake of fat percentage up for the day (I'll address this in my next post) and I've lost weight. so come to your own conclusion.
Digestion -- CO has helped tremendously with the acid reflux I used to suffer. Now, sure, you could say, "but, Maggie, isn't it possible the acid reflux is gone because you're eating right?" Yup, but even when I'm not eating right, the acid reflux hasn't come back.
Overall feeling -- CO gives me energy. Of course, that also comes from eating right, but if I want a boost, I eat a tablespoon and I'm good to go.

These are just a few benefits from CO. Please remember, not all coconut oils are alike. You can't just pick up any ole jar at your nearby grocery store. My favorite is Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil. In my opinion, it tastes the best and seems to be the most highly regarded. But be forewarned, that comes with a price. Nature's Way is another good brand. You may be able to find other, less expensive brands, but make sure they're cold-pressed, virgin CO.
If you have any questions, just leave them in the comments' section and I'll do my best to answer them.
Until next time, my friends, eat healthy and happy writing!
I'm a huge fan of coconut oil. I cook with it. I also melt a tbsp on a bran muffin each morning. It's been terrific for my skin and hair!
Excellent, Marianne. Cook with it, eat it, apply it. Is there anything coconut oil can't do? :)
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